Bowen Technique is a gentle, non-manipulative therapy aimed at balancing the body and releasing muscular tension.
Bowen Technique is performed on the superficial and deep fascia that envelopes, separates and influences every organ and tissue in the body. Using varying pressure, cross fibre Bowen moves are made at specific points on the body over muscles, tendons, ligaments and the fascia working on the mechanoreceptors of the body. Via neurological impulses to the brain, these moves aim to trigger a focus on problem areas and bring better balance to the body and the central nervous system. Throughout the session, short wait times are incorporated between sets of moves to allow for a response in the area just worked on.
The Bowen practitioner can focus on specific areas such as the back, shoulders, knees, pelvis, jaw, digestive and respiratory etc. It is normal for a deep sense of relaxation to be experienced both during and after the session.
Because of the non invasive approach that does not use forceful manipulations, Bowen Technique can be tailored to each persons needs. It is suitable for acute and chronic conditions and can be done through light clothing if preferred. Caroline has experience in working with a wide range of clients from office workers, athletes, newborn babies through to the elderly. Bowen can be used during and after pregnancy to address common associated ailments.
If required, repeat Bowen sessions should ideally be within 5 to 10 days to reinforce benefits derived from the previous session. As the body continues to respond to Bowen for several days, it is recommended the client avoid other hands on therapies for 5 days before or after the Bowen session. For acute pain conditions, the person may experience relief from between 1-3 consecutive sessions. Many people with chronic and autoimmune conditions find benefit from attending regular Bowen treatments as part of their continuing selfcare plan.
Appointments are available throughout the week in Edinburgh & Portobello
Bowen clients conditions have included:
- Back pain
- Sciatica
- Stress, anxiety & depression
- Neck & shoulder restrictions
- Arm & wrist problems
- Headaches & migraines
- Autoimmune disorders
- Menstrual problems
- Pregnancy related issues
- Sports injuries
- Knee / ankle problems
- Jaw problems
- Respiratory (eg asthma / hayfever / allergies)